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- Detta evenemang har redan ägt rum.
Wind & Renewable Energy Exhibition 22.3.2023 (EnergyWeek)
22.3.2023 @ 09:00 - 17:00
Wind & Renewable Energy Exhibition
22.3.2023, City Hall, Vasa
You will find Viexpo and other Team Finland actors at the Team Finland stand at this exhibition.
Are you ready for the most intense and inspiring event of the EnergyWeek? During the second theme day of Wind & Renewable Energy on 22nd of March, you’ll get a good overview of the latest wind power and renewable energy news, technologies, services, and the entire value chain.
The Wind & Renewable Energy event is the most significant annual forum in the business. It covers all segments of wind power and renewable energy. At the Wednesday seminars, we will focus on Finland’s preparations for an onshore and offshore wind boom and end-of-life issues and strategies.
The event offers a great opportunity for energy experts to network through personal meetings, the exhibition, seminars, and exhibitors’ briefings.
The event is organized by Pohjanmaan Expo Oy in cooperation with the Finnish Wind Power Association.
Click here to read more about this event and register for EnergyWeek.