Robotics KTK Turku / Robocoast Prizztech

Robotics KTK Turku / Robocoast Prizztech

Meeting and networking around robotics, AI and related technologies. 


The meeting is hosted by Koneteknologiakeskus, Turku AMK and Prizztech Robocoast.

Main goals are to network our organisations to be able to support each other and thereby generate more business for our companies.

At the same time, you meet experts from both Finland and Sweden that can connect you with buyers in the city of Ningbo in China. Main goals are to network our organisations to be able to support each other and thereby generate more business for our companies.


The program:

Registration page:


Organisers: Turku Science Park Oy, Koneteknologiakeskus Turku Oy, Prizztech, Viexpo, Allied ICT Finland